A Tour of Back to School Night
English teacher Shannon Alberts welcomes parents and presents a curriculum overview. Parents took this time to ask questions regarding course information and structure.
Sep 20, 2018
On Tuesday, Sept. 11, vast amounts of parents filled the boiling Bobcat Arena to kick off the 2018 Sage Creek High School Back to School Night. Back to School Night is a night for the parents to see the classes, meet the teachers and view the workplace of their child. This night is important and resourceful for the parents to keep up to date with Sage Creek and their child’s school year.
Freshman parent Kim Hancock found that tracing her son’s footsteps helped her to feel more comfortable as a new high school parent.
“I thought it was a lot of fun following my child’s schedule and seeing how his day is like,” Hancock explains.

Parents congregate on the Academic Mall before entering classrooms during Back to School Night. During this time parents were able to greet principal Morales.
This year’s Back to School night had a great turn out filled with parents eager to visit their students’ classes. The night began with hundreds of parents in the Bobcat Arena to listen to Sage Creek’s principal, César Morales. He addressed the strong staff, successful graduating students and the supporting parents and community that make up the Bobcat Nation. The Be You, Be Your B.E.S.T statement also acted as a driving discussion throughout the event. When the speech neared an end the night’s schedule was introduced. The parents then exited the gym and embarked on meeting their student’s Trimester 2 and 3 teachers.
“The teachers were kind, knowledgeable, and passionate about their subject area,” Hancock describes, after hearing from the Sage Creek staff.

Parents gather in the Bobcat Arena to hear an introductory Back to School Night presentation by principal Morales. Morales spoke to the parent audience and addressed multiple topics that included current school logistics on safety, education and athletic programs.
With the help of numerous ASB members, parents began the night by searching for the trimester 2 and 3 classrooms. Soon the Trimester 2 and 3 teachers welcomed the parents eager to hear what their child will be learning in this upcoming fall trimester. After the bell resembling the conclusion of first period rang across the campus, the parents began to follow the schedule of their child.
Another parent attending Back to School Night feels, “Sage is the school of the future in a global way.”
Period one begins as the parents walk into the classes to meet the teachers and learn how this trimester is going to go. The night continues with parents going class to class, but when period five concludes the parents’ exit Sage Creek high with high hopes on their child’s time in Sage Creek.