A Freshman’s Guide to Walking in the Hallways
Sep 20, 2018

Here we have a diagram on which way to walk up/down the stairs. Quick tip – if your right hand is next to/on the handle you’re doing it right.
First of all, I’d like to welcome the class of 2022 to the beautiful campus you’ll call home for the next four years, Sage Creek High School. Second, I would like to introduce you to the hallways and the copious amounts of stairs. By this time, I’m sure you’re somewhat acquainted, but here is the complete guide on how to properly walk the halls.
Contrary to popular belief, you can make it to class in five minutes without running! Shocking, right? This being said, for the love of Bobby the Bobcat, do not stop in the walkways to chat with your friends, or whatever it might be that you’re doing. Unnecessary roadblocks bother absolutely everyone, so try not to be one. Also, the speed at which you walk is highly important. If you walk slower than the flow of traffic you’re going to cause a traffic jam, so keep up.
Now, probably the most important thing I am going to tell you is the way in which you walk the stairs. If you’re standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up, the right side of the stairs is for people walking up, the left side is for everyone walking down, and the large area when the stairs turn is most definitely not made for you to stop and talk.
Walking around campus, as daunting of a task as it seems is not that scary. Listen, if you make a mistake or bump into someone just be kind, apologize and move on. No one’s going to remember that freshman walking the wrong way when we can barely remember what went on in second period yesterday. Once again, welcome. Merry walking, bobcats.
Bryce Hinrichs ◊ Sep 27, 2018 at 8:04 am
Wait, we’re supposed to WALK up the stairs? I thought we were supposed to crawl up on all fours like when mom says the pizza rolls are done.
Jeff Dunham ◊ Sep 26, 2018 at 3:08 pm
Hey Darius I thought this was your job.
Katie McDowell ◊ Sep 26, 2018 at 2:04 pm
This article is super helpful!!! I was wondering why people always got mad at me for walking up the left side, I only bumped into people the whole way up. I thought it was normal. But thank you so much!!! I will definitely use this!!!!!
Darius Rahmanian ◊ Sep 24, 2018 at 11:03 am
How did these comments not get deleted, they are super sarcastic lol.
Goblin Rodriguez ◊ Sep 24, 2018 at 10:57 am
I’m really bad at walking in a straight line. So this is a fantastic map for me. Soon, I’ll be able to find my classes as well.
Victor Li ◊ Sep 21, 2018 at 12:10 pm
Thanks for the help, but how am supposed to know which way is right and which way is left? I’ve been having a lot of trouble with this.
Eli Pregerson ◊ Sep 21, 2018 at 12:09 pm
I know this was mostly for the freshman, but even as an upperclassman, I learned a lot!! Who knew that walking slowly could cause a traffic jam?? Not me. Anyway, I will definitely be passing this information on to everyone I know, and thank you for this wonderful tutorial on walking.
Jeff Dunham ◊ Sep 21, 2018 at 10:32 am
Okay, so basically, this is freaking epic
Victor Vigil ◊ Sep 21, 2018 at 9:20 am
Thank you I needed this 🙂