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The Sage Publication is the student news site of Sage Creek High School in Carlsbad, CA

The Sage

The Sage Publication is the student news site of Sage Creek High School in Carlsbad, CA

The Sage

The Sage Publication is the student news site of Sage Creek High School in Carlsbad, CA

The Sage

Students focus on their SAT. The tests are starting to fade away as many colleges and universities have stopped requiring SAT scores for admission.

Downfall of SAT Paves Way for Equity in Standardized Testing

Nancie Huang-Ball, Opinion Editor Oct 11, 2021

The SAT is slowly fading away as colleges drop the requirement to submit test scores for admission. With the University of California (UC) schools becoming test-blind and many colleges, including every...

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UCLA, one of the many colleges with a change in test-policy, witnesses the great impact of the pandemic. The college application process for the admissions cycle of 2021 has shifted dramatically in terms of requirements and the resources outsourced to prospective students.

The Guide to Virtual College Resources: Navigating the College Application Process This Year

Applying to College in the Time of Online School May Seem Daunting, However, the Virtual Resources Added This Year Add a Great Advantage in Facilitating the College Application Process.
Chloe Neal, Entertainment & Opinion Editor Oct 12, 2020

College applications can come off as a bit intimidating when first approaching the subject, but with the great number of virtual resources added this year, students have the ability to gain insight into...

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Each year the SAT gets over 2.2 million students. Out of these students only 500 are able to make that perfect score which is less than .5%

The SAT Should Be Optional

Bella Niems, News & Feature Editor May 6, 2020

Imagine going into a classroom on a Saturday morning after you have been out of school for over five months. Now, this in itself can be daunting, unfamiliar and out of place. Now imagine sitting there...

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Counselors held an informational meeting for sophomores on Tuesday, Feb. 19. They discussed what can be expected next year as regards to APs and went over the 2019-2020 school year course request. entry form.

What Sophomores Can Expect for Junior Year

Sophie Mostamand and Haili Ballard Mar 7, 2019

As second trimester comes to an end, freshmen, sophomores and juniors are prompted with the challenge of selecting their classes for the upcoming school year. Many people find that junior year is the...

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SAT study booklets are a great way to get yourself prepared for your test. It is also recommended that you take the PSAT if possible to further your knowledge of the test format. These resources along with others can be found in the SCHS counselling office.

How to SAT?

Navigating the world of SAT prep and college applications can be scary and stressful, but here's a guide to help you along the way.
Cambria Evanoff, Staff Reporter Dec 3, 2018

Navigating the world of SAT prep and college applications can be scary and stressful, but here's a guide to help you along the way. College Board is going to be the most important website you’ll...

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