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The Sage Publication is the student news site of Sage Creek High School in Carlsbad, CA

The Sage

The Sage Publication is the student news site of Sage Creek High School in Carlsbad, CA

The Sage

The Sage Publication is the student news site of Sage Creek High School in Carlsbad, CA

The Sage

After Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s speeches are over both their families come out to watch the fireworks. Continus applause from the supporters to express the gratitude. The two will be elected into office on Jan. 20, 2020.

Joe Biden: 46 President of the United States

Kayley Teagle, Staff Reporter Nov 8, 2020

Thousands of Americans await for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to give their victory speech to the United States of America. Awaiting spectators wave flags, honk their car horns, listen to music, and vocalize...

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